Today, the Secretaría Nacional de Energía along with the Inter-American Development Bank presented the National Electrification Plan for Panamá, a two year proyect coordinated by Waya Energy and supported by Trama TecnoAmbiental.
This Plan has been already published and can be downloaded here. You can watch the official presentation of the plan here, done by our co-founder and co-director Andrés González-García, PhD. The publication of this document is the first step to provide electricity service to all the people of Panamá before 2030.
We extend a special thanks to Rosilena Lindo National Energy Secretary of Panamá, Guadalupe González Electricity Director at SNE, Arturo Alarcón and Didi Lay at IADB, Alexandra Moreno at TTA, Ricardo Espino and to our own Clara Pérez-Andújar.